作品紹介– category –
So Close
World premiere - 世界初演 - ABOUT THE PIECES作品紹介 Man is made to live in closeness with others. But social pressures such as extreme urbanization, hierarchical decisions or externally controlled developments make it easy for us to bec... -
Being Human Being
ABOUT THE PIECES作品紹介 The human race unites the best and the worst within itself. We feel deep love, can sacrifice our lives to save others, while we are able to kill out of greed, jealousy, or even pure malice.We can hurt and mistrea... -
Urban Voices
ABOUT THE PIECES作品紹介 Contemporary Art is said to be a mirror of society. It reflects the beliefs, the way of thinking, the achievements but also the problems and hardships of today. At times, it can also simply reflect a feeling or a... -
Flavours of Life
ABOUT THE PIECES作品紹介 Relations have all kind of flavours.The bitter-sweet taste of a Unrequited love, the sweetness of falling for someone.The acrimonious feeling of competing for attention and the accompanying feeling of jealousy.Th... -
In the Rain again
ABOUT THE PIECES作品紹介 Tragic souls, drawn to the ones they can't tame, Fascinated by the wild and passionate That love and fight like wildfire, Leaving them soon alone, In the Rain again 悲劇的な魂、 飼いならすことができないものに惹か... -
Japan premiere - 日本初演 - ABOUT THE PIECES作品紹介 At some point in time, all of us were in search of a path which we know is good and the right But nevertheless: we humans tend to drift away from this path. And we do that whilst we ar... -
Repetoire -レパートリー- -
Ripple spreads
ABOUT THE PIECES作品紹介 Throughout history, it has always been those who think differently, those who swim against the tide, those who stand out, those who have advanced social development, innovation in science and culture.And yet, alt... -
Wall between
Repetoire -レパートリー-